
大学進学塾 灘ゼミのテキスト紹介(PDF付)―神戸大学のバリエーション豊富な英作文・前期/後期 直近10か年過去問演習(2012~2021)

大学進学塾 灘ゼミのテキスト紹介 神大の英作文(前期・後期)・直近10か年

大学進学塾 灘ゼミのテキスト紹介


神戸大学のバリエーションに富む英作文(前期・後期) 直近10か年過去問演習



神戸大学の英作文(前期) 直近10か年

1⃣ 2021年

The following is an excerpt from the article posted on a website. Read the passage and answer the following questions in English.


(1)  Explain “inward-oriented tendency (uchimukishikou)” among Japanese youth with some example(s) other than studying abroad, using around 40 words.

(2)  What do you think about the idea expressed in the underlined sentence? Write your opinion, using around 60 words.





Many experts have attributed the decline in the number of young Japanese studying abroad to their deep-seated “inward-oriented tendency” (uchimukishikou in Japanese).

2⃣ 2020年


問5  本文の内容をふまえ,conservationをどのように行うべきか,あなたの意見を60語程度の英語で書きなさい。




3⃣ 2019年

Imagine you are going to rent accommodation from April. The two apartments below are available in an area you like. Answer the following questions.

(1)  Which apartment would you choose and why? Write your answer in English (around 60 words).

(2)  In Japan, key money (礼金) is paid to the owner as a token of gratitude at the start of each new rental contract. Some people say that this custom is behind the times and we should stop doing it. What do you think? Give reasons for your opinion (around 60 words).





4⃣ 2018年

  Look at the pictograms (A) and (B), both of which represent a hot spring, and answer the following questions.

(1)  Which pictogram do you think is more appropriate for tourists from overseas? Why do you think so? Write your answer in English. (around 60 words)

(2)  What kind of action do you think the local governments in Japan should take to attract more overseas tourists to Japanese hot springs? Introduce your own ideas. Write your answer in English. (around 60 words)





5⃣ 2017年

Read the paragraph below and answer the following two questions.


(1)  Describe a specific example of how the Bandwagon Effect has affected one of the decisions you have made in the past. The answer must be written in English. (around 40 words)

(2)  Do you agree with the statement that the Bandwagon Effect has a stronger influence on teenagers than adults when they are making decisions? Include at least two reasons to support your answer. The answer must be written in English. (around 60 words)






6⃣ 2016年


Situation:Two friends, Chris and Kim, find that they are lost after walking for a long time in a forest. They have no maps, no phones, and no clear memory of the point at which they lost their way.

Directions:Complete the conversation below by filling in the blanks (  A  ) to (  D  ). The number of words used in each blank should be within the word limits indicated.


Kim:         (  A  ) (10 to 20 words)


Chris:       (  B  ) (10 to 20 words)

Kim:         What? Are you joking? That’s really (  C  )!! (1 word)

Chris:       Well, how about (  D  ) (10 to 20 words)



Situation:The map below indicates where Chris and Kim are currently located. They started at the Camp Office and originally planned to go to the Mountain Hut, but they did not make it there.

Directions:In 80 words or less, describe the route that you think they took to get to where they are now. In your description, include two occasions where they failed to follow a route that would have taken them to the Mountain Hut. (NOTE: The map does not show which way is north.)





7⃣ 2015年




問1  下線部を英語に訳しなさい。

問2  「社会的孤立」について,あなた自身の考えを80語程度の英語で述べなさい。





8⃣ 2014年

  Read the text and answer the following questions.



  Third, [                                                                        ]

1  Complete the last paragraph based on the data presented in Figure 1. Answer in English, using around 40 words.

2  Despite all of these disadvantages, what advantages does renewable energy have compared to traditional energy sources? Answer in English, using around 50 words.





9⃣ 2013年




問1  下線部を英語に訳しなさい。

問2  上の文章を読んで,あなたが青春期に大切だと考えることがらについて,理由や例を挙げて40語程度の英語で書きなさい。





10. 2012年




問1  下線部を英語に訳しなさい。

問2  この著者の意見について,どう思いますか。あなたの意見を,50語程度の英語で述べなさい。






神戸大学の英作文(後期) 直近10か年


1⃣ 2021年



問1  下線部(1)を英語に訳しなさい。

問2  下線部(2)を英語に訳しなさい。





2⃣ 2020年



問5  もしあなたが親なら,子どもに対してtracking appsを使いますか。本文の内容をふまえ,理由や具体例をあげながら,60語程度の英語で書きなさい。




3⃣ 2019年



問1  下線部(1)を英語に訳しなさい。

問2  下線部(2)を英語に訳しなさい。





4⃣ 2018年



問1  下線部(1)を英語に訳しなさい。

問2  下線部(2)を英語に訳しなさい。





5⃣ 2017年

  Read and consider the information in the paragraph below and answer the following two questions.


(1)  If parents give their child a book about animals to read, what would be an appropriate reward that follows the suggestions in the above passage? The answer must be written in English. (around 40 words)

(2)  Do you think a similar reward system should be used by teachers in elementary schools in Japan to help their students read more Japanese books? Support your opinion with at least two reasons. The answer must be written in English. (around 60 words)






6⃣ 2016年

  Consider the graph below and answer the following two questions.

(1)  Select one factor that differs significantly between college students and workers, and then explain what you think the reasons are for this difference. The answer must be written in English within 40 words.

(2)  Select one factor in the graph that is important to you and explain why you think it is important. The answer must be written in English within 60 words.





7⃣ 2015年




問1  下線部(1)を英語に訳しなさい。

問2  下線部(2)を英語に訳しなさい。





8⃣ 2014年

  Read the text and answer the following questions.


1  Translate the underlined sentence into English.

2  Do you think the author’s idea is also applicable to learning a foreign language? Why or why not? Explain in English, using around 50 words.





9⃣ 2013年








1⃣0⃣ 2012年













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